
"Agir en juif, c'est chaque fois un nouveau départ sur une ancienne route" Abraham Heschel

Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel

June 26, 2014 1: Newsletter EUPJ Juin-Juillet

Newsletter EUPJ Juin-Juillet

A prayer for the three kidnapped yeshiva students: Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel and Gil-ad Shaar  
Late Thursday night, June 12, terrorists kidnapped three yeshiva students near a hitchhiking point in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem. In response Israeli security forces have launched a massive manhunt which continues to this day. As the search for the abducted boys intensified, some 25,000 people attended a mass prayer rally Sunday night June 15 at Jerusalem's Western Wall for the kidnapped teenagers. 
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April 14, 2014 12: Attaque antisémite au Kansas

Attaque antisémite au Kansas

Attaque antisémite au Kansas : un ancien responsable du Ku Klux Klan arrêté.
Source: Le avec AFP, AP et Reuters | 13.04.2014 à 23h27 • Mis à jour le 14.04.2014 à 10h51
Trois personnes ont été tuées à Overland Park, une ville de la banlieue de Kansas City, aux Etats-Unis, lors d'une fusillade déclenchée, ce dimanche 13 avril, sur deux sites de la communauté juive. L'attaque s'est produite vers 13 heures (19 heures à Paris), à la veille de la Pâque juive.

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March 4, 2013 12 Anti-Semitism in Europe: Jews are outsiders, not equals

Anti-Semitism in Europe: Jews are outsiders, not equals

Testifying at the U.S. House subcommittee hearing I described how, even after 2000 years, Europe has never really accepted the place either of individual Jews or of Judaism as a religion in its midst, leading to a deeply rooted tolerance for acts of violence against the Jewish community.
By David Meyer.
Last week I testified at the House Foreign Affairs and Human Rights subcommittee, which was holding a hearing on European anti-Semitism. I arrived in Washington with mixed feelings. If I was certainly honoured to bring my contribution to a congressional hearing, I quickly felt the burden of responsibility on my shoulders.


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