
"Agir en juif, c'est chaque fois un nouveau départ sur une ancienne route" Abraham Heschel

Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel

August 6, 2014 8: IDF's Newest Soldier

IDF's Newest Soldier

In "The Pluralist", newsletter de l'IRAC (Israel Religious Action Center of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism), by Anat Hoffman.
The Pluralist Blog

I’ve been staring at my son's recruitment notice on my fridge for a year now, "Personal message: in accordance with section 7 of the Security Services Law of 1986 (henceforth: the Law), the medical committee that examined you declares you are fit to serve. By the powers vested in me, under Section 13 of the Law, I, Head of Recruitment Lieutenant Colonel Amir Chai, summon you for a period of 36 months to National Military Service, starting August 6th 2014. You are to report at 7:30am on Ammunition Hill to begin your service.”

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July 22, 2014 12: Samedi 19 juillet: Agression antisémite et "Mort aux Juifs" lors d'une manifestation "non autorisée mais non interdite" par le bourgmestre de Bruxelles

Samedi 19 juillet: Agression antisémite et "Mort aux Juifs" lors d'une manifestation "non autorisée mais non interdite" par le bourgmestre de Bruxelles

La Ligue Belge contre l'Antisémitisme (LBCA) dénonce les violences antisémites et les dégradations publiques survenues pendant la manifestation anti-israélienne qui, au mépris de la loi, a investi le centre de Bruxelles ce samedi 19 juillet 2014.  A l'issue de cette manifestation, 200 à 300 participants se sont en effet livrés à des actes de violence aux abords de la Gare centrale où, armés de chaises et de panneaux routiers arrachés, ils ont scandé «Mort aux Juifs», brisé de nombreuses vitrines de magasins et endommagé des véhicules garés sur son parcours.  Une dizaine de manifestants s'en est aussi pris à un couple d'une trentaine d'années qui se promenait dans le quartier, aux cris de «Il est juif!». Le «Juif» présumé a ainsi reçu plusieurs coups de la part de cette meute déchaînée...

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July 16, 2014 1: Terror in Paris: WUPJ Condemns Attack on Synagogue Perpetrated by Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

Terror in Paris: WUPJ Condemns Attack on Synagogue Perpetrated by Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

On Sunday July 13, clashes erupted in Paris as thousands of people protested against Israel's Operation Protective Edge and in support of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Rioters surrounded the Don Yitzchak Abarbanel Synagogue and threw rocks into the house of worship. Media reports said that hundreds of Jews were trapped inside the synagogue and police units were sent to rescue them. The World Union For Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) and our 1.8 million members around the world are outraged by this spasm of anti-Semitic violence in the capital of France, birthplace of the Enlightenment.
In response to the riots, France's Progressive Jewish community is lending its support to the Jewish Federation of France's call on the government to ban pro-Hamas demonstrations.

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