
"Agir en juif, c'est chaque fois un nouveau départ sur une ancienne route" Abraham Heschel

Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel

December 11, 2012 12 Women Wearing Tallit?


A Question and Some Tentative Answers


I have to confess that when I sent this piece out to some of my colleagues and friends to read, I received a very thoughtful but actually saddening reply from one of my close friends. He stated (somewhat edited) as follows:

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November 25, 2012 7 Manifestation à Bruxelles en soutien au peuple israélien: "Nous demandons une couverture médiatique plus juste"


Entre 1.250 et 1.500 personnes ont manifesté dimanche en soutien à Israël sur la place Poelaert à Bruxelles. L'action était notamment organisée par le CCOJB, le Comité de coordination des organisations juives de Belgique

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November 12, 2012 12 The Most Influential Jewish Philosopher You Never Heard Of


Adapt or die: this principle now permeates discussions among not just biologists but anthropologists, sociologists, and even theologians seeking the origins of religion in an evolutionary need for group survival.  The adage is especially applicable to a 1934 classic of Jewish evolution, Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan’s Judaism as a Civilization: Toward a Reconstruction of American Jewish Life

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