
"Agir en juif, c'est chaque fois un nouveau départ sur une ancienne route" Abraham Heschel

Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel

October 17, 2017 12: Anat Arrested at the Western Wall

Anat Arrested at the Western Wall

Dear Supporter,
Last night Anat Hoffman was arrested at the Western Wall. This occurred during a prayer service in the woman’s section with 250 other participants, including members of Women of the Wall and Hadassah.
Anat was detained and held overnight in police custody for disturbing the peace. She was arrested for saying the Shema, Judaism’s central declaration of faith, out loud at the Western Wall.

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October 6, 2017 2: Limmud Festival in the UK : 22|23 December 2017 (Shabbat) & 24|28 December 2017 (Festival)

Limmud Festival in the UK : 22|23 December 2017 (Shabbat) & 24|28 December 2017 (Festival)

Limmud Festival 2017 is one of the biggest celebrations of Jewish learning and culture in the world - and it’s made by you. Book now to be part of the experience!
Festival 2017 takes place Sunday 24 - Thursday 28 December 2017 at Pendigo Lake near Birmingham, UK. Limmud Shabbat will take place before the main Festival starts on 22-23 December.
Registration is open now - click here to book your place!
Selon David, membre du CA de Beth Hillel et qui a déjà assisté au Limmud Festival, c’est l’évènement le plus génial qui existe en termes de judaïsme européen.
Si vous êtes intéressé(e), contactez David W. via mail : , pour avoir plus d’infos sur le déroulement de cette conférence.

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October 4, 2017 8: Rabbi Marc Neiger sur Radio Judaïca le 4 ocotbre: tout sur Souccot

Rabbi Marc Neiger sur Radio Judaïca le 4 ocotbre: tout sur Souccot

Rabbin Marc Neiger, invité à l'émission La Matinale, avec Jim & Elsa, nous parle de Souccot. Retrouvez-les ici, bonne journée !


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