
"Agir en juif, c'est chaque fois un nouveau départ sur une ancienne route" Abraham Heschel

Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel Beth Hillel


La Kacherout illégale en Pologne

July 26, 2012 11:

WUPJ Statement on Proposed Ban in Poland of Kosher Slaughter (Shechitah)

The World Union for Progressive Judaism represents 1.8 million Jews in 45 countries around the world. The WUPJ is dismayed at the discriminatory move in Poland to ban Shechitah, that is the Kosher slaughter of animals.  For many Jews, eating kosher meat is an essential religious imperative that has been Jewish law for thousands of years. As with the Muslim custom of eating similar Halal meat, eating unkosher meat would and could never be countenanced.
As a liberal and reformist Jewish movement many Progressive Jews have developed their own views and practices of Shechitah being mindful that care of all animals during slaughter must cause minimal pain and stress. We recognise that Shechitah performed with skill and care as laid down in all our ancient texts can be swift and painless.
We therefore appeal to the Polish parliament to ensure that this ancient religious rite is maintained in a free and democratic Poland. Any form of religious discrimination is to be deplored and for some banning kosher slaughtering of animals strikes at the very heart of  their Jewish observance.
Banning Shechitah places many Jews at  great disadvantage and must be rejected.

Mike Grabiner, Chair WUPJ
Leslie Bergman, President EUPJ
Piotr Stasiak, President Beit Polska
Miriam Kramer, Chairman EUPJ
Philip Bliss, Chair WUPJ Advocacy Committee

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